Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Beauty of Eco-Haus

OK, so where have I been?  Literally, I've been cranking out design school projects and going to my internship at one of the  SFDC showrooms like nobody's business, and have had little time to focus on this blog.  Hope to rectify that during my semester break!

Metaphorically, I've clearly been out to lunch because I've only recently become aware of Ecohaus, the green building supplies and home materials store that's been around since 2006.  The San Francisco store opened this past May and it's chock full of everything you'd need to make your next remodeling/design project more eco-friendly.  Think of it as Home Depot with a conscience! 

That said, there do seem to be some noticeable absences in their inventory:  with Title 24 such a huge factor in California, why don't they carry efficient lighting?  Their countertop line doesn't include Vetrazzo, a local provider of recycled glass engineered solid surfacing.  There are likely good reasons for the omissions and with this store so new, perhaps they are still lining up additional suppliers.

This is a minor quibble, I think, given that they are certainly promoting the right idea in making these supplies more generally available. I'd be curious to know if anyone out there has purchased anything from Ecohaus, both homeowners and designers alike.  How was the experience?  Do they give trade discounts to designers and builders?  Please share your stories.

Meantime, you can check out their fan page on Facebook to have the latest and greatest news about the company and shopping specials delivered to your newsfeed.

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