Thursday, February 24, 2011

Green Large Format Photo Printing

The more I delve into the emerging landscape of eco-friendly resources, the more I find some real gems that are worth considering. Came across this resource on the ASID group on LinkedIn:  Green Photo Print  

What's great about this is that not only do you get some great artwork to complete a room design, but you are also not contributing to the "pirating" of digital imagery that is so prevalent these days because either (a) you can select images whose copyrights have expired or (b) you can upload your own images that you have taken.

Best of all, they have a terrific manufacturing process that is sustainable, recyclable, and uses low VOC ink.  Pretty cool, huh?  I've requested a price list to see how they stack up price-wise.

One drawback on the eco-friendly front for my California friends:  these guys are based in Massachusetts so you will have to weigh the downside of shipping across the country against the benefits of their manufacturing and materials.  One way to offset that might be to do several orders at once and combine the shipping.

What do you think of this?  Has anyone heard of a similar service on the West Coast?  Please let me know if you've heard of one.

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