Sunday, July 25, 2010

Title 24: not a lighting design curse anymore

If you've done any remodeling in California during the last few years, the dreaded Title 24 , California's stringent energy standards for residential and commercial applications, may have put somewhat of a cramp in your style. We all know it's the right thing to do, and good for the state government for making us commit to using less energy.  That said, the kitchen remodel we embarked upon four years ago prompted my gut reaction of "Ugh. Recessed CFL's?  Really?" 

Thankfully, much has changed in four years' time in terms of the stylish options available.  Check out today's article in the SF Chronicle for some great lighting design ideas that include LED's and yes, even CFL's.  Compact fluorescents have made great strides; make sure you pick one that's in the 3000 Kelvin range with at least an 80 Color Rendering Index to avoid that funky blue-green tone.  Sadly, you probably won't find a large range of CFL options at your local Home Depot, so you may have to go a bit further afield to buy efficient lighting that looks good.

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